Abandon Lifecycle Refresh

The goal: Update branding and increase engagement (KPIs: uCTR and order conversion).

The strategy: Apply email best practices to abandon emails, specifically:

  1. Feature product
  2. Highlight positive customer reviews (dynamic by e-bike)
  3. Provide more information (YouTube videos dynamic by e-bike)
  4. Utilize AI to provide product recommendations

The results: (after first 6 weeks, comparing period over period)

Browse Abandon

  • uCTR increased 52% (from 5.3 to 9.8)
  • CVR increased 12% (from 0.7 to 0.8)

Checkout Abandon

  • uCTR increased 42% (from 4.3% to 6.1%)
  • CVR increased 64% (from 2.8% to 4.6%)

NOTE: Cart Abandon was not previously set up.

Next steps: product vs. lifestyle hero image testing.

  • Murf Electric Bikes